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  • Writer's pictureAbby Blada


Hi! Hey!! Hello!!!

I want to thank you now for joining me on this new adventure!

This past year has been a major change for me. Since I was 18 I have always had over 40 hour work weeks whether that was balancing work and school or balancing work and more work... But this past fall I quit my full time job to focus on my own business. I got a part time job to pick up the slack while I work on getting it started and then that is when I found out I was pregnant!

With all the excitement..and *cough* morning sickness... My plans got sidetracked. I was doing nothing to move forward, had ZERO energy to take any orders in, and honestly felt like maybe my business wasn't even worth it.

Two months ago I started taking orders again. I was very hesitant, but then boom... I see how happy the customer is and that is all I needed. This IS what I want to do- it's not just a hobby to take up my time.

So this is why we meet, and I am so excited for what the future holds for Poppy Cakes.

Next weekend I will have you all along for a geometric design wedding cake and delivery, and I have a few recipes I am going to share coming up so


Hugs and High fives,

Abby B.

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